The Gana of Puez

On the plateau of Puez lived a gana, a creature of the mountains, who went every year at the end of autumn down the valley to Lungiarü to spend the winter time in the house of the farmer Gustin. During the long evenings she told about the beauty of the mountains and of her life in harmony with nature. She was only afraid of the cold winter. Every year the family of Gustin was happy to welcome the gana in their house, as she told about such engaging stories of the mountains.

Lungiarü from the plateau of Puez. The Gana. Artwork by Rott.

Digital library: N salüt a Pöz, Les Ganes y i Salvans, L salvan de Frara, Les flus de munt,  Ciöfs de flus de munt, Le le de munt, Les bunes eghes

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The figure of the gana in other legends:

The origin of the Reign of Fanes, Hidden treasures and enchantements


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